I clear a space.
Scratch out a shallow opening with a digging stick. I lay my bare body upon the cool, damp earth and evoke the energies to help gingerly spew forth the full- ness within me, to expel itself, to unite with reality, to
where I rest my and to join the
illusion of my being.
meet the inner uni-
spirit and
Rolls of thunder, soft kettle drum rolls initiated deep within the base of my spinal cord eminate towards the gamut of colours before me. Rolling hills, thunder, kettle drums potent powers being gingerly
called forth.
Increase their energy,
their speed,
their message.
The power mounts,
bursts in my release.
I lie there beside my shell, my housing, my illusion.
I prepare to help.
Breathe with this form that moves;
is full of pressure and life.
Breathe with it, into it, for it.
My breath quickens, becomes shallow.
I push; it pushes; we push harder with deliberation, with pain
Another separation.
A head; the shoulders
The rest of the emission is
with ease.
I stare.
The baby is me.
The body is mine The spirit mine
I birthed myself
of myself
I reconnect with SELF.
When I am deeply involved in a relationship(s) it is particularly impor- tant that I both remember to be there for that relationship, and be mindful of my self-nurturing internal mechanisms. When it occurred to me that I was not being very respectful of my internal messages, I wanted to throw the relationship out, and emerse emerse myself in much needed soli- tude. (I'm prone to be dramatic). The task at hand now is to keep my heart open and to take care of my own needs.
Once during an out of body exper- ience, I was told, "Yasmin, Be" by my grandfather. It was a simple message: to be who I am and to trust in my self.
I had given up myself, to love another, the issue, the wrestling was within me, was one of self-reclamation, of self-integration. I gave up my self, then used the resultant pain as an excuse to advertently calcify my heartspace.
I couldn't live with myself and not breathe through the rose of my heart with pedals (perceptors/receptors) arching outwards giving and receiving wamrth and gifts So inexplicably precious as only open hearts have the ability to dare. to perceive.
I have "to be:
with me.